
Bitcoin is the most valuable substance in the universe.


As the price of Bitcoin crossed $41,000 dollars, I began to wonder - how much is Bitcoin worth per ounce?

Per ounce?

"But Dr. Odd," you say,

"have you lost your mind?"

Bitcoin is digital, it has no mass!


You see, the world used approximately 180 GigaWatt-hours of electrical power DAILY to mine about 900 Bitcoins.

A bit over the power consumption of Switzerland

And as Einstein showed with his famous E = MC^2, mass and energy are equivalent...

What does this mean?
Running the numbers shows that all that electrical power is equal to about 7.2 grams of mass, or about a quarter of an ounce.

So how much is Bitcoin worth per ounce?

Since the value of those 900 Bitcoins is currently $36.9 million dollars, that gives us a price of $147 million dollars per ounce for Bitcoin.

Or about 78,200 times the price of gold.

Boom. Take that Peter Schiff.
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