So to sum up. The last two POTUS videos both were henky. The first one, supposedly filmed while the Capitol “riots” were still taking place, had no background noise whatsoever. No yelling from a million people no sirens from the cop cars littering the area and no helicopters...
... noises from any that were certainly flying overhead. Then last night we have another video which, at least to my semi trained eye looked suspiciously like a deep fake. It’s tough to notice it on your phone but if you watch it on TV and focus on his mouth and neck it’s...
... clearly off. So that now begs the question why release both. The first was clearly prerecorded. That tells me that Trump knew in advance there would be “bedlam” at the Capitol. But again it’s clear he didn’t film it at that moment. So it looks like after he left the stage...
... at the rally he either immediately boarded that E4B many have been speculating about or he hunkered down in the White House. But if so, why not film a live video to “calm the rioters” from the Oval Office? The only reason to go outside to film that was to let us know he...
... was already gone. And probably in Texas as many are speculating. The second video or the “deep fake” I’m still scratching my head about. My current working theory is that he did this as a middle finger to the DS. The last thing they expected him to do was to appear to...
... concede, which, like it or not that’s what the video at least appeared to be. Yes I’m aware he never said it. But to the average person that was a concession. So let’s go with that for arguments sake. So why release a deep fake semi concession speech on Twitter of all...
... places? The same platform that just lifted its ban on you? It makes no sense to do it this way whatsoever. In the wake of those “riots” and with the talk of the 25th and impeachment there was zero reason NOT to go live on TV from the Oval Office and concede there for all...
... the world to see. Unless of course you aren’t in DC and you’re not conceding. My guess is he purposely used a deep fake as a backhand slap/Fu$k you to the DS. Showing them he knows allllll about their upcoming use of deep fakes. Make sense? I could be grasping at straws...
... here and I fully acknowledge that. But until the noon on the 20th I will continue to believe in the plan. Let’s see what happens. They’ve got 13 days to make a splash. Let’s hope we see some serious action soon. WWG1WGA
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