Taking inspiration from @BrianMLloyd (again) and doing a thread of everything I watch - film and T.V. First watch of this year, #1 Angels In America. #filmthread #elleswatchlist https://twitter.com/ellebrigitte/status/1213447251936391168
#2 A Discovery of Witches #elleswatchlist #filmthread
#3 The Vast Of Night #elleswatchlist
On A Discovery of Witches' final episode, and I dread finishing it. My life will be so empty. I haven't felt this way about a T.V. show in a long time. 😂
Finished #ADiscoveryofWitches. Need to fill the sexy, supernatural void; so I'm
rewatching #TrueBlood. On S1E1 and it's taken me back to my teenage years. It was one of my favourite shows, I had Seasons 1-3 on DVD... I feel like an antiquated geek. 🤓 #elleswatchlist #tvthread
Started watching BBC's #TheSerpent. Maybe it's just me, but I find it fairly boring.
Just finished season one and it holds up so well twelve years later. Onto season two. #trueblood
I'm still as obsessed with Lafayette as ever.
Aaaaand I'm onto season three. Loved season two's Big Bad and how seeds were planted to set up new plots. This lockdown may be the bleakest, but I'm getting way more T.V. in this time. #trueblood #elleswatchlist
Annnd onto Season Four. I *really* didn't enjoy the first half of Season Three, not understanding what was going on, found the pacing slow... then when everything fell into place and became clear, it was exhilarating. #elleswatchlist #trueblood
Season Four was great (albeit borderline fan fiction at times). Every season relies on the escalation of the supernatural threat mixed with the escalation of the personal - S4 incorporated every character/ supernatural; it was WAY more entertaining and fun than S3.
Maybe I'm not paying enough attention, but I haven't a clue what is going on in Season Five. Every storyline OUTSIDE of the vampire driven ones make sense. Who is the Big Bad? Why is Bill a prick? How does Eric have a sister? What are the Sanguinistas?? Who wrote this?! 🤦‍♀️
The less said about Season Six, the better. Vampires in a concentration camp was... pretty weak writing. Terry's funeral episode with the post Iraq War flashbacks was the only exception, and probably the best episode of series.
I'm nearly finished True Blood, and desperately need a new, similar series to get my teeth into - any recommendations? NowTV and Amazon Prime series please. 🙏
Finally finished Season 7, and feel bereft at the sudden Southern Gothic void in my life.
Season 7 paid homage to an amazing series. The story-writing didn't live up to the standard of the past, but I could appreciate the tribute given through it's sentimentality and closure.
I started I Hate Suzie. It's absolutely great... but I'm completely stressed out by it. 😂
Finished #IHateSuzie in one sitting. Very funny, dark, frenzied depiction on the public shaming and societal expectations of women.
Tried to watch Succession again. Couldn't get past the second episode. Am I the only person who doesn't... get it? I started Sex and the City again. Old but reliable.
Finished SATC Season One. I've seen the episodes so many times on T.V., but never in proper order. I think I prefer how grounded the earlier episodes are - the outfits, characters and situations are not as flamboyant and silly as the later seasons.
Aidan really got mugged off every time.
You can really pinpoint where SATC turns to shit, and it's season five, episode one.
S6E5 is probably my favourite SATC episode. It's still relevant. I can't think of any other T.V. show that dedicates an episode about how people get bullied/ ostracised and treated like GARBAGE because of their ex spewing shite (whether vindictive or just out of... pain).
When Nina Katz gave Carrie that snotty little shitebag dirty look, it made me SO annoyed... but also made me think that as infuriating as they are to recieve... we've all been guilty of delivering them too. 😂
(Brady Hobbes' vibrating chair was 10/10 content too)
Also a big fan of S5E7 when Big turns up at Carrie's book signing. 😭 Then Carrie runs in screaming at Samantha to get out of bed so she could get laid. 😂
Enjoying #SATC S6 way more than I expected. I really enjoyed the more mature plots like Charlotte's fertility problems and Samantha's breast cancer. As much as I hated him, I also appreciated the inclusion of Berger and his Red Flags.
Finally finished SATC. The last season kind of went against everything it pushed for in the earlier seasons, and turned into a rosy, romantic comedy with everyone paired off... maybe it was supposed to be character development. I liked it anyway.
Now onto Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel.
Uuuh. Cecil Hotel is... shit? Everyone keeps talking as if it was The Amityville Horror, but it's just a kip on Skid Row.
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