Good Morning Ontario,

Your Minister of Education, @Sflecce, as well the entirety of the PC comms team, are asserting that all of Ontario's teachers are lying when we share that we received no mandatory training on e-Learning and no material or financial support.
So it's time to make a decision. It's not hard. One group is lying. Is it the Conservative political party with a track record for lying about all sorts of issues, whether it be license plates or long-term care? Or is it every single one of the adults who teach your children?
We need your support. This provincial government has proven they couldn't care one iota about what teachers think or feel. They do, however, care about you. So please, if you believe they are the ones lying, say so.

Say so loudly.
Say so continuously.
But mostly, just say so.
Thank you. We really appreciate it and truthfully by supporting us you are supporting yourself, your kid, and your family.

And if your decision was that we were lying, I feel very bad for you, legitimately.
It must be very hard to send your kids to learn and be cared for by a bunch of perceived liars every day. I'm not being facetious. That must feel really terrible. I'm sorry that's your experience.
Hopefully as you see your kids return home (most of the time) with smiles and positive stories about their teachers and their experiences at school, you might entertain the notion that perhaps the people who have dedicated their lives to your children are not the liars.
Maybe, just maybe, it's the politicians? I think they may have somewhat of a reputation for that sort of thing, no?

Anyways, hope you are able to find a manageable way forward over the next two weeks. I know it'll be hard for my family too.
Much Love,

A caring adult who is passionately fighting for your own children and their right to a high-quality public education, regardless of their financial situation...or 1 selfish liar of 128 000 other selfish liars...your pick.

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