Please stop assuming people are delusional, misled or confused when they are lying
A lot of people assume once they’ve committed to the lie they can never admit it or stop because of the repercussions. That doesn’t mean they don’t know what the truth is.
Stop saying “But that doesn’t make sense because, it’s scientifically impossible for the moon to be made of green cheese and you know that because you are, in fact, a physicist.”
Instead say “why would you say something like that when you know it isn’t true.”
One thing about the truth is that you don’t need to write 8 paragraphs about it on someone else’s Facebook.
Anyway, what if your task isn’t to convince someone that the moon could not possibly be made of green cheese, it’s to convince them to stop lying.
Like parents who reject their children for being LGBT. They know their own kids aren’t evil or bad or a stereotype, and so they know whatever they thought before is at least partially untrue. But they can’t admit that. Because they did something awful.
Maybe they can never admit it and they’ll lose their relationship with their child and spend a lot of time repeating the lie over and over to explain it but they know.
And you’re not going to unravel that by making a theological argument.
The truth is its own defense
That’s just one reason I don’t believe conspiracy theorists are stupid or gullible. It takes a fair amount of ingenuity, creativity and research to create a convincing argument that is possible that the moon might be made of green cheese. It takes time and commitment.
Also why people can’t cut off or disconnect their source of lies for even a few minutes or 1 family event.
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