Hate to break it to you but if Trump had won, there would have been violence on Wednesday, and it most certainly would have been worse. How do I know? Because Democrats have been endorsing violence as a political tactic throughout the Trump Administration.
In 2018, @tedlieu threatened “widespread civil unrest” if Trump fired Mueller. This wasn’t a fluke, either. He repeatedly said people should “take to the streets” if Trump did so (which as we know he didn’t).
James Clapper echoed Lieu — and many other Democrats — saying Trump firing Mueller would result in a “firestorm … in the streets”
Also in 2018, Sen. @CoryBooker told activists to “get up in the face of some congresspeople”
. @HillaryClinton specifically said “you can’t be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for”
. @EricHolder told liberal activists that Michelle Obama was wrong; “When they go low, we go high. No. No. When they go low, we kick them."
In 2019, when Trump was considering declaring a “national emergency” over the then-gov’t shutdown, Rep. @JoaquinCastrotx said if he did, Democrats would “fight him … in the streets”
. @RepMaxineWaters told activists that “God is in our side” and urged her followers be increasingly confrontational members of the Trump Administration
In an interview w/ Joy Ann Reid, Rep. Waters then doubled down on her call to be “more confrontational” w/ Republicans
Earlier this year, @SpeakerPelosi said of getting active in politics, “When you’re in the arena, you have to be ready to take a punch and you have to be ready to throw a punch”
. @SenatorTester said that in order to take on Trump, you have to “punch him in the face”
There is way more, but you get the idea.

Point of this thread is not “whataboutism” as some will reflexively contend; it’s that Dems have actively encouraged turning American politics into the powder keg they now decry. Violence was coming no matter who won.
My take: Politics shouldn’t matter so much; that it does indicates Washington has too much power. No one should lose sleep over who occupies an office 1,000s of miles away.

This is a wakeup call. It’s past time for Americans to take our power back from politicians. Peacefully!
The other point is that demanding more social media censorship will only backfire, as it serves to agitate rather than inform, & distracts from the more fundamental issues. It’s easy to block a tweet; it’s hard to decentralize power so people can according to their own happiness.
BTW, I forgot about this nugget from December that @Google & @YouTube have attempted erasing from the Internet — Mich. Rep. Cynthia Jones (D) explicitly urging her supporters to attack Trump supporters; “make them pay!”
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