
One effect of the Trump era will be excusing of wildly deviant behavior by pastors/ministry leaders.

Just as Clinton normalized a way of talking about sex publicly, it will now be the norm to excuse deviant behavior by pastors, as long as they are true to the cause.
Of course, you could argue this was already the problem that led to the rise and acceptance - even enthusiastic support - of Trump by so many pastors.

They could ignore his character because they agreed with him on policy.
But I think it will get worse because now, in the wake of defeat and the conspiracy theories of a stolen election, they will double down.

This will normalize for millions of people the idea that character is easily ignored if that person is true to the cause.
God’s ability to draw a straight line with crooked stick will be the rallying cry.

What we read about the behavior of medieval popes and bishops and their deviant behavior will be the norm for American pastors.

It will all be so normal, the crowds won’t gasp anymore.
At some point we have to reckon with our lack of discipleship.

We have somehow bought into the idea that grace means we put no effort into following Jesus.

But as Willard said, “Grace is opposed to earning, not effort.”
A huge part of that discipleship will be undoing the thought - undoing the “habitus” - of thinking and acting as if worldly is more powerful than prayer.

And undoing our addiction to violence.

Violent action
Violent speech.
Violent thought.
Until then, the American church will excuse deviant behavior because those are the kind of people who get the job done.

That’s the excuse one man gave for re-electing Trump. And he accused Piper and Keller of wanting/expecting a Mother Teresa.
That man should have remembered the following quote by Mother Teresa:

“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”

Of course, you cannot see that if you think character (holiness?) is less important than right policy.

Or right doctrine.
If pastors will not tackle these things, God help us.

It will get bloody before the healing.

But the healing will be beautiful.

Right now is so ugly, though.
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