Do you know who doesn’t get to be bored of COVID? Healthcare workers who are swamped at work every single day, dressed like Michelin Men, watching people constantly die around them, and having to ration care because there aren’t any resources left.
Healthcare workers who work 12 hour shifts but have to stay longer because the need is great. And in that 8 hours they get off they still need to sleep, eat, tend to their families, and try to have time to recoup, which, how can you do that with all that on your to-do list?
Healthcare workers who can’t see friends and family outside their households because their work exposure puts everyone around then at risk. So they’ve been isolated from anything but work, stress, death, and their immediate home for the better part of a year.
Some don’t even see their families at all and have chosen to isolate from them completely due to the nature of their jobs and the risk involved - no ICU worker would’ve signed on for that sort of life originally.
Getting to be “bored” of this pandemic is pure luxury. Or a genuine lack of consideration for the world outside of yourself & your personal wants. Most healthcare workers don’t get to be bored. They get to be exhausted, stressed, overworked, and overlooked.
When you have your parties, large gatherings, or do things generally frowned upon during these times, you admit you don’t care if the hospitals continue to fill up, that ambulances are being denied access, or that people could get sick from your actions and die from lack of care.
Healthcare keeps most of us alive. Highly trained staff, bed space, and other such cogs in the wheel help assure our safety. But when those resources are strained, people who would likely live with proper medical care WILL die, from COVID or 100 other reasons.
What’s happening in hospitals globally is shocking: Running out of oxygen, no available patient care space, not enough staff, freezer trucks used as mobile morgues because of the rising death toll. Take a second & think about how your actions may be contributing to this.
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