yall aint ready for this

words cant explain just how much i hate this fandom. not talking about certain people. the fandom in whole is so toxic. the game is good but i cant stand the fandom
no but serious talk i’ve had ENOUGH of the people in this fandom

first of all this is FICTIONAL

as messed up the conflicts are it’s FUCKED UP to terror/harrass people over these fictional characters

if you don’t like what you see then just block? it’s not that hard
harrassing an artist, and now a voice actor

i’m not saying i support the incest thing but still

this is fictional

theyre characters. png. 2d. not real. even if people make them fucked up they’re still not real

and it’s too far to ruin one’s life bc of fictional charas
i’ll start listing some shits i hate about this fandom

1. getting way TOO worked up over shits they don’t like. if you don’t like it just block and go on. go get a life i guess

2. they’re so OFFENSIVE when it comes to ships/pairings

3. remember that one time someone emailed
mihoyo’s CS just to ask the MC’s age? like wtf bro. they’re fictional just. just go outside touch the grass.. fictional characters can look 6 and age 62283782. age doesnt matter in fictional characters omfg they’re just pngs. i understand where you’re coming from but that’s
way too selfish. just because you’re bothered of something doesn’t mean other people should too

4. also they use fanarts without credits a lot. genshin tiktok. listen. y’all suck go learn

5. once again. theyre way too offensive. they attack/ harrass and cancel people so easily
also feel free to qrt and go off share your worst experience or knowledge let me see your RAGE

think of this tweet as rage room idk

feel free to roleplay as gordon ramsay for once and go off
AND before the offended people come to me saying shits like “omg op must support incest and pedophilia!!!😡😡😡😡”

no i don’t🖕 go off, go get a life stop messing with people online oh my GOD

i really thought this fandom is gonna be a good one but unfortunately it’s not
no but on a serious note

idk if its western fandom culture to force people to dislike what you dislike but whatever culture it is. STOP.

its super SELFISH of you to do so.

cancelling people, ruining their lifes just because it pisses YOU off doesn’f make you an edgy queen
it makes you look like a fucking uneducated jerk who doesnt have a goddamn life and spends their time on the internet bullying innocent, clueless people because it makes you feel superior and feeds your disgusting ego

you can dislike things. but you CANT force everyone to do so
it’s “you do you”
not “you do me”

suck it up loser, not everyone will bow down to you just because you have a twitter account with friends who’ll back your bullshits up🖕

if you cancel people then you’re cancelled, shut the fuck up
i’m VERY disgusted and just EMBARRASSED such things are still happening. it’s really sickening to see how some people clearly dont have common sense

it’s NEVER been okay to ruin one’s life simply because something pisses you off

if you’re pissed of by fictional characters then
it means youre in need of therapy

go get therapy.
i seen some ppl saying this one is a bad take

so lemme explain god

i’m not saying this as in pedophilia is okay. i’m saying as long as they don’t look like literal children (qiqi, klee, diona) they don’t have age

i mean levi looks 16 and he’s fucking 30😭😭😭😭 https://twitter.com/tsurukami15__/status/1347530508687663104
like??? wdym ppl can’t ship MC w other characters because he’s a “””minor”””??? let people ship what they want oh my god

i’m not saying IRL pedophilia is okay because it’s not

but just in case you dont know. ppl ship charas for the charas dynamics not for the AGE
i mean once again they’re CHARACTERS... they all look the same age😭😭

if your 14yo friend dates a 30yo man then sure bring it to the police. but if you see someone who ships MC w older charas what ya gonna do??? bring it to the police??

police cant do shits theyre FICTIONAL
also yes i know i sound mad asf because i AM mad asf

y’all almost made a man lose his job and accussed him of bad things??

it’s so fucked up how easily y’all cancel strangers when you don’t even know them personally. not EVEN in real life.

just because of fictional charas
btw i keep adding more to this thread but if a part of this thread bothers you then sure idm these r all my opinions so feel free to disagree

also i HAVE been to other fandoms. ik genshin is shrimp compared to those

this is just a plain sarcasm to the toxic side of the fandom
i’m not saying genshin is literally the worst fandom ever

i mean not right now who knows what’s coming

once again this is just a sarcasm ik fandoms which are worse than genshin💀💀💀 been there felt that
not some people saying i’m using this thread to defend incest/pedophilia💀👍

babe go reread the thread we’re talking about how y’all cancel everyone so easily over fictions🧍‍♂️

how many times do i need to say that i don’t support those

but i do support you getting an eyecheck
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