In the old world, I was a Remainer. And a passionate one at that. But now that Brexit has happened, I’m really warming to the idea of CANZUK. Not a concept without issues, but seems like a good way forward.
Economically: For the UK, it would give us advantageous access to markets with whom we already have deep relationships with. The UK would benefit from cheap natural resources and agri products, while our services sector could hugely benefit from improved access.
Strategically, a CANZUK alliance/confederation would have interests and reach into to the world’s most strategically important corners, from the Asia-Pacific, to Europe, &North America, with each member state helping amplify the rest’s influence in their respective neighbourhoods
Militarily, all members are already deeply tied via overlapping alliances such as the 5 Eyes alliance/NATO/5 Power agreement etc. Two are buying British designs for their next major surface ships (T26). Scope for standardisation and integration.
Politically & culturally, there can be no doubt that all CANZUK nations are incredibly close. We share common politically systems, common legal structures, a common language, deep cultural links, and even a common head of state in the Queen.
Would it be as good for the UK economically/strategically as the EU was? Probably not.

But Brexit is done. We’re out. C’est fini. And if the UK is still determined to be a major player in the world, we need to start getting creative about a new strategy and purpose.
From where I’m standing, CANZUK seems like a natural fit with high levels of support in every country. A future in which we maintain the classic ‘three circles’ (we’ll always be European), but where the long-neglected circle of the Commonwealth is given a shot in the arm.
Would very much like to hear your thoughts @war_student @Soerings @air_intel @pinstripedline @EternalJNCO @Violent_Memo
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