This Boogaloo Boi carried zip ties to take Congressional hostages while sporting a Black Rifle Coffee hat. Boogaloos use coded language, such as the #Goldcorp inside joke, to organize veterans, law enforcement officers, and White supremacists for destabilization of democracy.
Boogaloo Bois had already toured the Capitol and targeted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, among others. See the #Goldcorp sticker with the laser eyes? It's not just an inside joke; it's coded messaging to rally veterans, law enforcement, and White supremacists against democracy.
Russia supports the Boogaloo movement. Scratch the seditious mob who carried out disciplined, planned actions at the Capitol with insider support, and you will find an intelligence operation to discredit democratic institutions, factionalize Americans and promote White supremacy.
@BlckRifleCoffee This you? Why you block me, Boogaloo Bois? #Goldcorp
As a result of this thread, Black Rifle Coffee ( @BlckRifleCoffee) has blocked me. Whiny li'l stainers. They can't handle exposure. #Goldcorp
Have another coup of @BlckRifleCoffee. Kyle Rittenhouse wears their gear while shooting up the streets. @Tara_Writer tweets that seditionist @ElijahSchaffer, who broke into @SpeakerPelosi's office, promotes Rittenhouse's defense and @BlckRifleCoffee. Gear by and for Boogaloos.
Boogaloos love to set the spark and fan the flames. But they sure do squeal when they get singed in their own conflagration. They love to talk about personal responsibility -- yours, not theirs. When domestic terrorists are caught wearing Boogaloo gear and spouting Boog slogans:
. @BlckRifleCoffee, can you confirm zip tie guy is carrying the same handgun from your profile image? Can you identify this woman photographed at the Capitol? The one with a Boogaloo guy who resembles your co-founder boi Mat Best? Kthxbye
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