People who refer to such consequences of their own actions as the cancellation of book deals as Orwellian need to remember two things.
1. That Orwell went to Spain in the Civil War to shoot Fascists and was badly wounded doing so.
2. That Orwell was absolutely in favour of locking up Oswald and Diana Mosley for the duration of WW2.
3. That Orwell denounced those he thought possible Communistd to the authorities
4. That when two of Orwell's major works were turned down by publishers who disliked their politics and said so, he placed them elsewhere rather than making a vast fuss.
5. That ANIMAL FARM was turned down by the ultra Conservative TS Eliot because of possible offense to our ally Stalin and Orwell subsequently gave the FOUR QUARTETS a respectful review.

Like a grown-up.
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