A well meaning friend texted me last night to ask if the attack on the Capitol had made it scary to be a reporter.

I mean this from the bottom of my heart: no.

This is old, old news to all of us and anyone paying attention.

A rant: https://time.com/5846497/journalists-police-george-floyd-protests/
So many of y’all were posting “Je Suis Charlie” in 2015 when journalists in France were slain, because attacks on the press in the Western world were so disruptive then. But then you have been quiet or, I guess, blissfully unaware of the last five years in the U.S.?
In this case, I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but here’s a not at all exhaustive reading list for anyone ready to tune in:

(If this seems familiar, it is. I said about the same thing after the Capital Gazette shooting. Will likely have to again in a couple years)
A WaPo photographer was assaulted by apparently much more proactive Capitol police during Trump’s inauguration:

And those are just the incidents I remember off the top of my head. Doesn’t account for all of us who were tear gassed or shoved or more mildly messed with in this time (most reporters I know), or who are regularly threatened and berated and often fearful for doing our jobs.
You want to make sure the reporters you know are doing ok? Subscribe to their papers, denounce broad or even vaguely threatening comments toward them and make news, the first amendment and just living in reality, more sacred than political allegiance.

Then we’ll be ok.
And I’m probably just screaming into the void, but I’m unbelievably sick of people treating whatever viral attack on the press that inevitably crops up every few months as a tipping point or a shock and then ignoring the deluge of rhetoric that cultivates this stuff in between.
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