We all love to quote Jeremiah’s famous passage “I know the plane I have for you, plans for good and not for evil.” But which of us like to espouse the context?
ALL the false prophets were proclaiming that everything would be fine, surely a God of love would NEVER rain down judgement on his beloved Judah.
They denigrated Jeremiah for his doom and gloom prophecy about exile to Babylon. Amidst that he implores the people to suck it up and submit to King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon ... don’t worry it’ll only be for 70 years!
It’s all for your good says Jeremiah. If you kick against the pricks, and duck down to Egypt, you’ll be wiped out. Take your punishment for your good. Or evade your punishment and consequences will be dire. Ouch!
Judah’s judgement was 70 years captivity for (70 x 7 = 490) years for failing to keep the shemita; the command to let God’s land every 7 (Sabbath) years.
What will be the judgement for nations who celebrate and practice the sacrificial killing of children? I don’t know.
What I observe is the rise of the 7-headed, 10 leader globalist NWO Beast of the Nations described by John Revelation 13. A terrible beast with all the features of the global kingdoms which preceded it.
Powered by the dragon; that old serpent.
Which country is represented by the dragon? No prizes for guessing.
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