Thirty years ago today, on 8th January 1991, I had been working at the Network South East rolling stock drawing office at Kings Cross for less than a year. At about 10am someone popped their head round the door to say that we were needed at Cannon Street station.
Back in those days the DO and specialist engineers from KX attended rail accidents to record the layout of vehicles, test brakes, etc. These were the days before the @raibgovuk.
I had never attended such an incident so I accompanied experienced colleague Martin.
We waited a couple of hours whilst the emergency services did their work. We were allowed onto the platforms early afternoon. It was a shocking sight. I took some photos and we carried out our surveying work. I got home late that evening.
Back home, my dad told me that one of my gricing/drinking mates had phoned a couple of times but was going to call again later – no mobile phones then, of course! When he phoned again he was rather sombre, with some news from another gricing/drinking mate.
My mate's brother had been on the 07:58 Sevenoaks to Cannon Street and was the one person who died that day, on route to hospital. A tragic day in my career that I will never forget.
Coaches 5 & 6 of the train (SR design 4EPB, unit 5484) suffered the worst damage – the solebar of coach 6 (15308) had buried itself beneath the solebar of coach 5 (14046), which had pushed back into the saloon of coach 6 like a battering ram.
Drawings of the site, created from the information that we recorded that day, included:
NSE/D/540 - Diagram of Collision
... and
NSE/F/541 - Formation of Train; used to show seating layouts for those carrying out further investigations and enquiries.
(9/9 - ends)
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