It is foolish & dangerous to rail against having a fallback plan, should it be required. Foolish, because it undermines the carefully achieved past gains such as the concession Salmond secured from Dewar in exchange for supporting the devolution referendum
Dangerous, because it re-inforces the power of our adversary and cements in the minds of the international community that the only way Scotland can leave the UK and become independent legally and constitutionally is by replicating the 2014 referendum.
On January 24, an SNP virtual National Assembly will take place to discuss “the tactics and strategy on the route from here to Independence Day”. This is an important discussion which is open to all party members and will be conducted in private
A recent opinion poll suggested two-thirds of voters want a fall-back strategy to secure a second independence vote if a Section 30 order is refused this time round.
That such a strategy is needed because it may be required is in fact a no-brainer. In her speech of January 31, 2020, the First Minister was careful not to rule other routes out of the question. Others would do well to follow her lead.
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