So let's talk about what no one is really asking

What will Trump do now?

And the reason most people aren't asking is that they're finally getting it...if not intellectually, on a gut level.

He's a malignant narcissist. That makes what they'll do SPECIFICALLY hard to predict...
So if you upset a self absorbed teenaged girl, like the worst most trope-y entitled mean girl you can imagine?

What would she do.

You can't make a specific accurate prediction. Will she trash her room? Will she start a rumor? Will she egg a house? The list goes on
What you can do, what IS predictive is the reaction.

Not the form it will take.
Malignant narcissists are largely reactive. They stew and steam over small hurts and blow them into large ones. The 'hurt' never lessens, and in fact might INCREASE. They plan revenge often in the same ways a child does, ranting and raving and imagining fantasy scenarios
THEY'LL BE SORRY!!!111 with imagining their humiliation, etc. The revenge for them MUST happen to stop their personal pain over the slight, the injury.

It does not go away. They may not focus on it 24/7, but when it comes up, they're reminded, or they recall it

no less pain
Malignant narcissists do not implode.

They explode.
Malignant narcissists when they engage in or think about self harm, it's always about taking their revenge first, or killing loved ones who's opinion matters to them so they won't see them lessened. Or who they see as a part of self.

Then, once that's done?
They rarely suicide, finding that they feel better. Or if they make the attempt, it is often one that is either for show (could not be fatal) or done in a manner they truly don't believe will be fatal (taking some pills after calling for help)
Because (and those are almost always the female malignant narcissists) it's a ploy for attention/sympathy. Male malignant narcissists usually don't...unless it can be seen as 'noble or right' by others. But it's manipulation.

Trump isn't going that road.
And Trump can be *temporarily* checked....I *think* by certain people getting in his face and making him understand his LIABILITY. Where HE is in danger, or trouble.

I think that happened at one point with Charlottesville. I think it absolutely happened w/ the coup.
Because he has VERY distinct tells when he's doing something he 'doesn't wanna'

It's been on tape so many times. It's VERY specific. And the level of obviousness depends on how badly he doesn't wanna vs. how much he needs to tho he doesn't wanna.
That wears off.

When nothing bad immediately happens? It wears off. It stays present in his mind only like a child who's been scolded.

Five minutes later they can have forgotten the entire thing.
So no, I don't know the form of the destruction.

I can only tell you that there will be more destruction and Trump is not done. He will *never* be done.

And he must be stripped of ALL power over other human beings as quickly and immediately as possible.
He must be removed from Office.

And he must be no platformed. And domestic terrorism must be dealt with. All authorities involved must be dealt with.

And we have to deal with the sources radicalizing people, the ones beyond the puppet Trump.
Also two last things.

Malignant narcissism is rare. Clinical narcissism less so, but also rare. Like going off the top of my head w/o looking shit up
If psychopathy were 1 in 100 (it might be 2 in 100, there's debate. It's 2 in 100 in the US but probably 1 in 100 in the human species)

then narcissism is about 1 in 70. IIRC

And there are FAR more male narcissists than female narcissists by about 70/30
Though female narcissism is practically a trope.

Narcissism also exists as a verb that we use in common speech much the way people use 'depressed' without meaning CLINICAL depression.

There's a HUGE difference.
Most people are varying degress of narcissistic. There is HEALTHY narcissism. Thinking you're all that and a bag of chips can be good for us.

Clinical a personality disorder and something else *entirely*. And then there's varying forms under that.

Just, fyi
And if you're interested in self learning about this stuff...because it's fascinating (I obviously think so) there's many good sources online and in books to do so.

BUT...when you do, just as with medical stuff, or legal stuff or anything you first learn, you can easily
misapply and see it where it's not.

Such as narcissism. Most people have healthy aspects of narcissism that can resemble clinical narcissism at a surface glance.

But that cough usually isn't going to be consumption ;)
Also if you WORRY that you're a narcissist?

You're not.
You may have character defects of narcissism that you need to address 'n shit or whatevs

but you're not a clinical narcissists.

Psychopaths are not bothered that they're psychopaths. They're just not. Why would they be. Narcissists aren't either.
They can be bothered by the IMPACT but of what they are? Doesn't bother them.

That's why it's literally a given if you're worried you're a're not.
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