Day I left MARYLAND, Top Sadie was playing the BANNON podcast and a thought occurred to me - BANNON, like everybody else, is STILL psychically imprisoned in the COLD War (like everybody else my AGE or older). He thinks there's some ideological ''LEFT'' that is concrete and...
has discreet policy goals that if ''WE'' can effectively ASSAULT will be defeated and its policies undone. This isn't what is going on - there is not some ''LEFT'' that has a concrete structure, has various off-shoots, that is somehow undermining a core nexus of policy Leadership
You LIVE in a truly CYBERPUNK world - there is NOT a particular IDEOLOGY you are resisting, repped by a PARTY or anything. Its a WORLDVIEW, a deformed MORAL sensibility that pervades everything around you/us. The way to ASSAULT it is to bring into LIGHT that its precepts do not..
ACTUALLY make any sense, do NOT serve the interests, needs of ANY humans, and are in fact physically and spiritually destructive to MAN and grossly offensive to GOD. THAT is what I am trying to do here in my own small (but GROWING) way, and why I try to deter people from POLITICS
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