"You're only allowed to fantasize about a better world in the face of the shock and fear of your president leading a militant coup on the capitol building in the exact parameters I believe are helpful or woke or else you're siding with evil." That's what y'all sound like.
I saw some of the people whining, too, and they definitely think everyone else needs to change, but they are perfect little angels who can do no wrong no matter what anyone tries to tell them, so double fuck them.
Everyone says they hate cops but they want to police anyone whose trauma response doesn't make them feel better. Only correctly performative coping mechanisms from authorized people allowed. Normal & genuine yearning for a world with functional solutions will be shot on sight.
Honestly, it's not about Matt or his feelings, it's everyone else seeing this feeling they have to walk on egg shells in a time already filled with great anxiety to avoid people's wrath over the normal way human minds process the bad that's happening with the good we can imagine.
Especially neurodivergent people who often need a layer of abstraction in there to process what they're seeing & real solutions. Because strict traumatizing reality is like broken glass & you're trying to make a mosaic to clean it up & build something new from what's broken.
And sure, not everyone wants to hear those thoughts, but I don't want to hear all of theirs, either. There's enough room for us all to process in ways productive for us. People are tilting at windmills because the real monsters are too scary to face, consciously or unconsciously.
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