The ability of leaders in the space industry* to just.... not even mention any of this is just one of the many reasons why some people are apprehensive about human exploration and why we know for a fact that we’re only going to carry all of this into space with us
*I’m talking about everything from companies to PIs to anyone holding any kind of leadership position and that influences space science and exploration. Now, I know many people have been having internal convos and checking in with their people – i’m not talking about them!
And, of course, social media is a personal space and sometimes you need a mental and emotional break. For a lot of us, myself included, that includes talking about how cool space is. And that’s fine! But space people’s ability to just not even acknowledge any of what’s happening
and continue to paint these pretty pictures about what we’re accomplishing in tech while it feels like social justice is regressing/accomplishments at the expense of continued worker’s rights violations and exploitation, is astounding. I do think it has to be such that
this kind of nuance and acknowledgement should be included in the “yay space yay rockets” stuff. Because honestly? When everything is painted as “yay space! Space only! What earth?” It tells the PEOPLE that do space/are interested in space that space isn’t for them.
And I really, truly, sincerely hope we’re not ignoring the fact that space science (any science tbh) and exploration does not just magically happen. It’s done by people.
There’s many reasons why I love space and why I see it as a great way for us to create a better future. I believe in it like nothing else. But we have this REALLY bad habit of being tone deaf and just generally being dismissive of societal concerns that do, in fact,
directly impact how space science is done, the culture that arises surrounding space exploration, and the narratives surrounding it.
anyway this is always relevant
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