To grasp what is happening in the US one has to appreciate the astonishing violence of American society. I’ve never known a society where the poor are treated with such brutal contempt, were causal resort to violence is so ingrained and where systemic divisions are so deep
The paradox is that the whole legitimation ideology is one of equality and yet the reality is so utterly different. The penalty for not being one of the (relatively few)American winners is so lethal that it is hard for a European to comprehend
The reaction of the American liberal bourgeoisie to their excluded white working class is one of utter incomprehension - an illiterate labelling of all as fascist or supremacist allows yet again, non-engagement with their concerns
On which of course is laid the racial divisions and the utter failure of the society to integrate successfully. The American city has excluded the many and they retreat to their various places and tribes re-inscribing race and kin as foundational when of course they are not
So the society founded on liberal versions of equality recapitulates the pre-civilisational structure of identity through tribe, race and place for what else do the excluded fall back on?
If American civilisation is not to fragment further and history suggests it may well - it needs another foundational ideology for liberalism has delivered the exact opposite of what it promises, violence instead of peace and extreme and rising inequality with no mitigation
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