60% of Trump voters were in the top half of income distribution. 20% had had household incomes of over 100k a year https://twitter.com/RealAlexRubi/status/1347314574614290435
Throwing on a Carhart jacket and slipping into your 75k pickup truck for the commute to the office you run your construction company out of I guess can be considered "blue collar", but this doesn't mean much in the way of analysis.
But beyond the raw numbers is the issue of class and it is with the small business owning class that Trump's message resonates with the most
It isn't that difficult a case to make that fascistic tendencies are easily made manifest by the fear the small business owner has of being reduced to a Walmart prole and all of the indignities which that entails.
Not sure if anyone has noticed, but you can't leverage a failed plumbing business into a high paying union gig with the ease that our fathers and grandfathers could have
The MAGA small business guy could care less about your gilded notions of democracy. He just knows that his way is the right way and that any obstacle to his first million should be obliterated
He comes pre-packaged with the racial anxieties and cold war era tropes and the certainty of the authoritarian in power that they identify with so readily
These aren't so much "blue collar" workers. They are the people who will do anything to not have to be a blue collar worker.
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