In the past two weeks the bird feeder population at Casa Davis has gone from 0 to 5. My bird watching experience has been previously limited to collecting carcasses so I have been for the first time experiencing in detail LIVING BIRDS. Here are some observations 1/
Dark-eyes juncos are unnervingly chill for their size. I like their fat white mouths, and the fact that they travel in packs of approximately ten million. The first time I saw one perched on a stick instead of a flat surface I freaked out.
Chickadees, on the other hand, are entirely aware of how tiny and helpless they are, always snatching a single seed and then flying away. This seems inefficient. They’re also not as cute as I remember them being when I was a kid.
White-breasted nuthatches are great because I can identify them without needing to put on my glasses, because they are reliably upside-down. They don’t visit the feeders much but pop in once in a while to catch up on bird gossip I guess.
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