This photo from yesterday was bugging me, so I opened it on my living room TV.

Here’s what I noted (thread)

1. Excellent condition and trained to move well in full tactical gear. He appears to be about 6’ and 185-195lbs... perfect size for maximum combat effectiveness.
2. Wearing tactical (not COVID) face mask with additional covering of hair and even ears (which can be photo-ref’d for identification). Careful to avert eyes from cameras and sunglasses ready when that’s not possible...
3. Expensive professional-quality tactical vest with protection capability. Appears to have mace/pepper spray and ammo magazine visible. iPhone is set up for streaming, likely for coordination/control purposes.
4. HE HAS A SIDE-ARM. The tactical holster and belt placement suggest special ops (high level military and/or police background). Also note very expensive studded gloves, meaning no fingerprints and designed to facilitate hand-to-hand combat.
5. These are professional police/military restraints, not cheap zip-ties. Being in his hand like this means he pulled them out to have them ready for use.
6. This is an exclusive camo pattern pointing to a very expensive pair of high-movement tactical trousers. Like the rest of the outfit they are cut for perfect fit and have no wasted space.
7. VERDICT - This isn’t an emotionally charged protester. This is a highly trained and well-armed professional hiding in plain sight among those protesters, and he’s there on an active mission to collect hostages.

Holy shit. 😳
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