Very good big picture accounting of the Trump period. This tweet in particular highlights Trump’s great virtue for me—laying bare the stilted zombie creatures that surround us and their ridiculous pieties and utterly fake righteousness
I have said many times, Trump reveals more than he causes. He is an unmasking agent. For individuals and the country at large. He brought the enemy into plain view. He also unearthed the latent impulse for a genuine conservative populism. He has made this possible.
There are many—serious and respectable—who want to co-opt this impulse and guide it away from Trump. That fight will be had. But without Trump that fight does not exist at all. It cannot even be imagined. Conservatives are still getting sucked dry by the globohomo war machine.
Trump is the best president of my lifetime. This is an easy case for me to make. But there are many forces that depend on him becoming the scapegoat for the unforgivable squandering of the End of History. Do not let them pass off their fuck-ups to Trump and what he stands for.
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