I feel a need to cheer everyone up because some of my favorite MAGA accounts are sounding a bit wrist-slitting at this point. Do you realize just how weak this oldfart/meangirl Administration coming into office is? It is a very weak administration.
Maybe I could do a “Top 10 Reasons the Oldfart/Meangirl Administration Will Have More Problems Hunting You Down and Killing You for ‘Cleansing’ Purposes Than You Might Think.”
(1) They’re gonna be busy. Somebody’s just hacked the whole government. Then somebody bombed government servers in Nashville. Weird shit is going on.
(2) They don’t have popular support. Both Oldfart and Meangirl candidates were dogshit in the primaries. Nobody likes them.
(3) Urban Hispanic and Asian voters went markedly for Trump- noted with dismay by the New York Times. It’s not just you and your cracker ass holed up in small town America who wants American values- American values are popular, they sell, people like them.
(4) Normal people think all the people calling for “cleansing” of Trump supporters are insane because normal people do not want to exterminate their neighbors, coworkers, people around them. The elite is ever more out of touch, encapsulated in its bubble.
(5) #2A
(6) #2A
(7) #2A some more
(8) There are a lot of us. My hometown county in Upstate NY, solidly Democrat, went for Trump in 2016. If they’re gonna Genocide all the Trump voters, they got a helluva lotta work to do.
(9) They’re not that smart, the “elite.” (Cue Invasion of the Body Snatchers: “They can be fooled!”) They’re really dumb, lazy, inefficient. They know not the eye of the tiger.
(10) We are awesome. We are the best people. Everyone knows Americans are best. We have work ethic, humility, and can-do attitude. We have values and integrity. We used to, and we still do. That’s us.
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