What if losing was necessary? A thread.

So what have we seen? Voter fraud, corruption, and basic evil. Okay, and Trump has been missing opportunities to declas etc and it's got people feeling defeated. Got it. But what if, all the losing was necessary?

Stick with me.

2. The military is the only way right? So what do you need for that? Martial Law.
And what do you need for that? The insurrection act.
And what do you need for that? Some state of emergency.

Two of those are met, emergency declared and prerequisites for insurrection act met.
3. But martial law... im assuming you need some sort of wild catastrophe going on, but wouldn't an enemy inside the country suffice? And who would you need to convince? Joint Chiefs for sure, probably the legislative branch and most likely the judicial.

4. All you smart folks let me know on that, I'm not an expert on American law by any means.

But what if, and here the theory, what if the enemy is in the legislative and judicial branches? Would the Joint Chiefs act alone? In this fictional domestic enemy scenario?

5. My assumption is that if sufficient evidence was given to the Joint Chiefs, they would pursue the domestic enemy. This being a speculative exercise. So what would you need to prove?

That all levels and branches of government are infected and cannot be trusted?

6. Would that be enough? How do you prove that? Okay so here we have 2 streams, call it bad guys (1) and compromised institutions (2). The enemies of the state are stream 1, but you can't get them because they own, have infiltrated, or can influence 2. What can you do?

7. Military. So how do you prove it? Win an election and have it stolen. Exhaust every constitutional avenue looking for relief and gather evidence as it's denied. Would that be enough? All wrapped up in a detailed package.

8. You present all the bad actors in stream 1, showing their treason to the nation. Then show how the system to stop them, stream 2, is completely compromised. Then ask the Chiefs... here is the domestic threat, this is why I need you. Would they support martial law?

9. To clean the house of domestic agents of a foreign power?

If they did, the public would go nuts, especially because the media is likewise influenced by a foreign power. So what's a patriot to do?

10. What if you started, after convincing the Chiefs, by publicly declaring martial law, put down any immediate riots while conducting declas over emergency broadcasting? No arrests to start. Just say 10 days of communication blackout except for the details of stream 1.

11. Every day you release audio, video, emails, photographs, etc. This person is bad and this is why. This is part of what is called the targeting package. Use it to educate the public to the deception they are living under.

12. And explaining the narrow goal of martial law. On the 10th day, the military rolls up hard and arrests everybody. Start the process or replacing the bad guys with good guys then cancel martial law.

What do you think? Would losing hard for 3 months first, be worth it?

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