white people being upset with BIPOC's lifelong and generational frustrations with whiteness need a long fucking reflection on their self centered attitudes that is inherit to whiteness.

no, it wasnt your fault directly that it got to this point, but you are a product of it.
you are a product of your ancestors colonization, settling on stolen land. you are a product of the stolen labor of Black folks that built this country and funded your generational wealth. you are a product of white supremacy. it is YOUR responsibility.
and if you feel otherwise, you are continuing to not listen. you are continuing to ignore all the injustices BIPOC have faced and still face every day. you are continuing to center YOUR feelings over BIPOC being murdered, to us being violently assimilated, to us losing everything
you are still contributing to whiteness that got us here in the first place by centering yourselves constantly and ignoring our injustices. that is one of the foundations of white supremacy.
and by ignoring us and continuing to believe you are not a product of this and have no responsibility in helping fix it, you are whiteness. you have been sitting comfortably your whole life on stolen land that has torn apart Native and Black folks. you are selfish to ignore it.
you are selfish to ignore our pains. every BIPOC experiences racism since their childhoods. our families are torn apart by assimilation, that placed abuse and drugs into our generations. that placed health problems in our genes. that took our lands and cultures.
we are told we are wrong since the beginning. we are told we are lesser constantly. we have to fight constantly to be respected as HUMAN BEINGS. there is SO, SO much shit we have had to endure, especially our ancestors, who survived the worst of whiteness to bring us here.
so no. you dont get to ignore this and think youre free of it. you are a product of white settlers. you are responsible for the stolen land and labor you continue to consume. for the stolen cultures you continue to consume.
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