Need to apologize for my vitriol these past 2 days. My love for democracy and the freedom it afford is precious. Because of our constitution I have a first amendment right to say what I want. Up to where people get hurt, die or hurt others. I DONT have a right to incite violence.
These two hard core traitors @HawleyMO and @tedcruz thought they were going to change the election results yesterday. If they didn’t, they knew it would fire up Magats. It did. I’m not sure people realize how serious yesterday was. It wasn’t just sedition which is a blurry word
It was attempted murder. Yesterday was an attempt to hurt and or kill one of our branches of government and our leaders. Not the rednecks filming for their Facebook pages, those guys were cover for this guy and those like him.
This dude has police issue zip-cuffs, look at him.
This dude look like Bubba the roofer who thinks Pelosi is the Devil? Nope, he looks like he came to do something, zip cuffs were in his bag. He hit the chamber and they’re out. He was gonna cuff our leaders then what? Kill Pelosi, Schumer and Pence? Imagine the chaos.
We can’t imagine this because we’ve never had it here. Around the world it isn’t rare at all. This dude is armed,carrying restraints, he’s masked and hunting. Everyone else had their faces showing, this dude? Who is this? The senators were locked down. The secret service did well
Trump just pardoned four murderers that worked for Blackwater, Eric Princes mercenary for hire company. Eric Prince is Betsy DeVos brother. Is it that much of a leap to see how this could have been an assassination? Kamala was there. It has been 206 years since anything like this
I’m angry, yesterday was a coup, no other word for it, it wasn’t procedural, it wasn’t political theater, it was an attempt to overthrow the American Government. 140 Republicans are traitors, seditious assholes who have no standing, evidence, or ONE fraudulent vote, zero proof.
After the violence and the shooting some in our congress maybe realized that this wasn’t just grandstanding but that they were actually trying to dismantle democracy. Many of them pulled back once congress got back into session.This hasn’t happened in 206 years, this wasn’t “fun”
I believe it was more sinister because Trump didn’t send in police, national guard or any help, Pence had to ask for it. Which means the FUCKING PRESIDENT didn’t give a shit our leaders were in mortal danger and could be killed. Cuz he wanted it, needed it, because without this
He is in jail, or at least in court for years. He can never command respect, he lost and he lost bad. Be clear what Trump has done with his incompetence, his pandemic response screwed us all at our jobs. Millions broke and jobless. I can’t work. 400000 dead, New Zealand? 25.
In 4 years he and his Republican traitors fucked this country so bad, that we will be digging out for years.
But Trump has never been told “no” ever. “If you’re famous they let you do anything, grab em by the pussy.” Doesn’t exactly belong in the pantheon of Presidential quotes
With all he’s done to damage this amazing place we live in, it wasn’t enough to just leave once the most perfect election in history was over. According to his own election security guy. No, he had to try to kill this country, democracy and all our votes. He will do anything.
This isn’t over and if you don’t impeach and 25th amendment this fucker, we’re gonna be in deeper shit. I’m really glad none of our countries leaders were hurt yesterday. But those that created it @HawleyMO @tedcruz @replouiegohmert Trump and the traitor crew. I hope they hang.
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