The US gave reparations to slave owners but not the enslaved. I feel like we don’t talk about that enough.
There are (a lot) of white families today whose generational wealth comes from slavery. Y’all love to use the “well I didn’t enslave you” argument while still benefiting from slavery.
Not to mention the history of segregation & redlining (which still happens btw) that continued to make white folks rich while simultaneously excluding Black people from accruing wealth through property ownership.
(& no i'm not interested in joining the American Capitalist tradition of inheriting stolen land & wealth, but while we work to dismantle white supremacy & capitalism we must also acknowledge how they have impacted black people specifically)
also hate to use vice, but their are still white people enslaving Black folks in the south btw.
also this is an amazing film on redlining. i cannot recommend it heavily enough.
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