Here's my long awaited musings on why India and America are mirror images, historically speaking of course... I mean, I love history more than current events so...
Columbus was looking for India when he found the Americas... Vasco Da Gama, eventually made it to India in 1498...
There was the British general, Charles Cornwallis, who suffered a bad defeat in the American revolutionary war in 1871, but like many of his let's just say fellow fellows he failed upwards... And he was sent to India where he won a big victory against Tipu Sultan.
The American revolution, along with the Afghan wars, destroyed the myth of British invincibility and fueled the Indian freedom struggle...
Then there is the obvious parallels between the MLK and Gandhi... how Gandhi inspired MLK and the nature of non violent protest.
And here's a funny one, whenever there's a big train accident in India, the railway minister always offers their resignation, it's a cycle... train derailment and resignation. In America, the market crashes, and the other party wins the election....
Then there's the big movie industries... there's no other 2 countries that have such massive movie stars.
Cricket and baseball, I could go on about this, but you can look it up... we kept it and made it better, cricket... Also, both countries have not been so big on soccer, historically.
There's the dying languages, Urdu in India, and so many others, and America's been equally bad about killing off languages and cultures...
Then there's this sense of possibility and impossibility... America is special because anyone can make it, which is not really true... And in India you have to be special to make it... which is also not really true.
Also a sense of v helpful redemption and unredemption, something horrible happens in America, the next day it's a story of how we prevailed... In India, something horrible happens, there's unredemption, essentially means it happened to us because we were strong enough to bear it.
Let's not forget the sane people and the crazies. In America lots of sane people are always just thinking abt what the crazies are doing or saying out loud. In India, historically, crazies have always done both the thinking and doing, and the sane people just lie low. The End.
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