Checking in on my high school graduating class's Facebook group

We're getting to the age where it needs to happen right now if it's going to happen at all, & fully 37% of the girls are childless

Then there's about another 40% with 1 or 2, & then a huge chunk with like 5
The childless group & the 5+ group are both bifurcated b/w very attractive cool girls & not: middling girls mostly in the middle

The 4+ group are virtually all Christian w/ a capital C (no surprises there), & virtually all the "weird"/ren-fair/pink-hair types are childless
Assuming many of the childless group squeak one in under the wire, you've got (very conservatively I think) at least ¼ whose peculiarities will die with them

(Only looked at women bc men have more time & variance, but let's assume they're working with a comparable set of women)
Our large catholic cohort is wildly underperforming, even the Mexicans - mostly in the middle cohort, not quite replacing themselves

So the next gen will be just overrun with natalist evangelicals (& me)
The conventional wisdom is that memes are stronger than genes, & that was certainly true for the Boomers & Gen X - but they pretty much all had kids, intentionally or not

Now even replacement fertility is a non-default choice, & 100% mutually exclusive with LW memes
This effect has got to be even stronger with Gen Z

Unlike millennials, a substantial chunk of the Gen Z normie cohort is not only ambivalent about childrearing in principle, but psychologically unprepared to get laid even if they want to
In other words Gen Z is maybe the first cohort since... America's founding?... for whom reproduction is genuinely selecting for *fitness*, not just preference
So you'd expect to see essentially all fertility in the '20s & '30s split between

a) very fit very Christian zoomers who very want kids &

b) zoomers with the precise mix of extreme dysfunction & social/sexual fitness to *still* somehow have babies on accident &

c) immigrants
Back to the question of memes v genes:

2% of Americans died in the Civil War

Maybe 9% of Germans, 14% of Russians in WWII

These don't hold a candle to the percentages being removed from the gene pool by these memetic pressures, & it's far less random, more explicitly selective
Blaqpillers assume globo will get to our kids just as easily as it got to our parents, but this is uncharted territory

Whatever traits make one susceptible to poz are being ruthlessly selected against, harder than anything has been selected against since neanderthal eyebrows
Gen Z won't have to worry about their kids being influenced by liberal friends' kids, bc there won't be any

They'll grow up with militant evangelicals, & a handful of mutants, & immigrants

Globo can still get to them thru the TV, but that naivete is being selected against too
I suspect this is why the mask is coming off now, & why they act besieged despite holding every lever of institutional power

Like antibiotic resistance, they've failed to completely eliminate us, & half-measures have just cleared the board for resistant strains to proliferate
They're running everything now, but if people like you & me get to see grandkids, these people are fucked, forever
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