Reflections on a Theme: “it’s all different when it directly affects me.”
1) Megan McCain returns to the view after maternity leave, suddenly aware of the challenge of motherhood, calls on govt to... pass paid maternity leave
2) Rs return to the floor of the house & senate after being directly threatened, suddenly keenly aware of the dangers of disinformation-fueled white supremacy & authoritarianism, changing their minds on the spectacle-seeking gesture of objecting to the certification of the vote.
3) Members of Trump cabinet poking their heads out into the world after the violent insurrection fueled by their dear leader, suddenly aware that the ship is sinking and tides are turning, decide “THIS is the inflection point” for them and they cannot serve under this President.
Here’s an idea: If you go through life thinking about how your actions and policies affect OTHERS (instead of just yourself), you’ll stop being blindsided by these “sudden realizations.”
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