please, please, please don't demonize people with bpd, i understand sam did some bad things to dream but that is not because she has bpd, and it does not excuse her actions, ill put some resources for learning abt bpd and explain a bit below, from someone who struggles with bpd
bpd is a very difficult personality disorder to live with, its typically charactarized by patterns of varying moods, self image and behaviour, people with bpd can get very intense mood swings that can last from hours to days, within bpd theres a lot of black and white thinking,
often thinking someone is either the best person in the world, or the worst person in the world and these thoughts can change drastically when the smallest things happen, the term borderline was coined because of the theory that bpd is bordering between neurosis and psychosis
(although i dont believe neurosis is a term used anymore) although many people with bpd suffer from symptoms of psychosis, people with bpd often have chronic feelings of emptiness and dissociate, they also struggle with suicidal and self harming thoughts and tendencies
bpd can be genetic although it is typically due to trauma during key developmental times for the personality, differences in brain structure can make people more susceptible to developing bpd, bpd is very often misdiagnosed and people struggling with it
often dont know whats going on, people with bpd are not inherently abusive because of all of this, although sometimes they are that isnt always the case, although hard people can learn to cope with their bpd and recover the reccomended therapy for it is dbt which can help
many other people struggling from many other mental illnesses too, these are only a few things about bpd coming from someone whos struggling with bpd for years but theres a lot more too it and the things ive explained and if youre interested in learning more i
encourage you to! living with bpd can be difficult and it can be difficult for those around us too, but we try our best, some things you can do to help people with bpd is help encourage the use of dbt skills, help with grounding during dissociative episodes,
remind them that you care about them as people with bpd often struggle with something similar to object impermanence but in relationships, and most importantly just be educated and supportive, if someone with bpd is abusing you it is not excuse and you can and should
leave that relationship, you are not responsible for anyone elses mental health but do not demonize them for their bpd they are not a bad person because of their bpd they are a bad person, just because theyre a bad person, the bpd has nothing to do with it, speak up and seek help
remember things that seem like bpd can be MANY OTHER THINGS so please do not self diagnose bpd without looking into other disorders first or assume bad people have bpd, it is very commonly misdiagnosed
if you think you or someone you know may be a risk to themselves or others because of bpd, speak up and seek help, call a suicide prevention hot line, i dont know how accurate this list is but its just one i quickly found
if you have anything youd like to add please reply!!! keep in mind this is from someone who lives with bpd this is my personal experience and what ive learned and it may not be correct and experiences differ for everybody
this is the website my psychiatrist personally recommended me to
this is the dbt book my outpaitent and dbt groups used if you think it may help its worth looking into dbt and giving it a shot
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