Thread of my thoughts on the Historical BTS Fest @btshistoryfest. I am not claiming mine is the only flawless right opinion but I am Korean and this is my culture and history. Read the whole thread before commenting.

->Individual tweets will have necessary trigger warnings.
I understand fic is for fun. But when you write historical narratives inspired by real history, you are choosing which stories to tell and which to erase, and the story you do choose can be hurtful, alienating, and disrespectful to the people whose history you are writing about.
issue 1: insensitive prompts

Listen. I’m trying to extend good faith to some of the prompts because I believe a careful and well researched author could write them ok, and also some clearly just want some royalty/fantasy/Austen fun. But there are 4 I want to address individually
Starting gently with this Prince of Persia AU prompt. Why on earth are Korean boys BTS now from the Middle East. Why would you feel a need to appropriate that history.
Explorer Jungkook: ignoring the fact that sailing the world in search of new islands is like, 1600/1700s not 1900, why the FUCK are you turning Jungkook into Christopher Columbus colonizing garbage. Also talk about false racist stereotypes against indigenous peoples jesus.
Korean War AUs: there are several prompted and like ok. Some of them could turn out ok with proper care and sensitivity.
But Korean American Namjoon enlisting in the *American* military to fight in its proxy war against communist China/Soviet Russia that killed millions of Korean civilians and ripped his home country apart? Hard fucking pass.
tw // rape torture

Last but far from fucking least: this “yakuza” au prompt. It’s clear the prompter is completely unaware of the Japanese Occupation. Kim Seokjin, a Korean man, would NEVER move to Japan seeking “tranquility” when the Japanese were ravaging his own country.
tw // rape torture

He wouldn’t need to uncover Japan’s dark side of “corruption, murder, and human trafficking” when the Japanese were IN KOREA forcing Korean women into sexual slavery, looting villages, and torturing/executing resistors to Japanese rule.
The Japanese imperialists were trying to completely eradicate Korean language and culture. So you really think KTH is in the Japanese yakuza? I think the FUCK not.
issue 2: irresponsible modding
The mod of this fest has made no mention anywhere about cultural sensitivity, nor offered any guidance about the subject. NONE. The FAQ mentions research and sensitivity regarding past abuse and disability, but NOTHING on race or actual history?
The only semblance of guidance was to highlight just 2 other fics with historical settings, and no actual historical resources or examples of Korean historical fiction.
The mod is in fact encouraging people with “fun” prompt games to write about sensitive parts of Korean history such as Japanese occupation and the Korean War.
Maybe the mod is acting in good faith, but I swear every 3 months there is a discussion on twitter about cultural sensitivity/whitewashing/racism in fic. And yet, this mod seems unaware of any of those concerns, and how this fest could be harmful.
If they wanted to take on this project they should have done the basic research to ensure their fest wasn’t going to generate blatantly racist and harmful works. They claim they’re trying to make this fest a safe place, but is making zero effort to keep people safe from racism.
tw // rape

As an aside, the fact that this mod has made a rule against rape/non-con when that was a significant tool of colonization/domination by the Japanese, but is encouraging fics set during Japanese occupation is just laughable. And by laughable I mean awful and stupid.
The mod says they won’t allow non-con because it “rarely gives justice to survivors” and “creates bad stereotypes.” Guess what the fuck also does no justice and creates bad stereotypes? That’s right it’s unresearched fic with racist premises.
Like you don’t want BTS to be victims of rape? Well I’d love for them not to be racial stereotypes, turned into victims of racism, or turned into traitors to their nation. Like fuck, talk about “depressing and triggering stories.”
If the mod wants to continue this fest, these are my suggestions:
1) research to understand sensitive topics/periods in Korean history
2) make guidelines and a rule about cultural/racial sensitivity
3) remove prompts that do not meet those guidelines/are racially insensitive
for prompters and writers:
1) do your research!! maybe you acted in ignorance before, but you can make sure you don't do it again.
2) consider if the story you want is a story that can and should be told by a non-Korean person, and whether it makes sense for BTS to be the protags
‼️ The mod has closed the fest. My points here still apply to other fests and fics out there. This kind of insensitivity is very common. Please (respectfully!) call it out if you see it.
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