The book I’ve just finished explores the impact of the far right on friendships. Children are affected by what happens in the seeps into perceptions conversations, and then sometimes actions. Children as young as 10/11 will be exposed to what is happening in the US, /1 will affect them. A child asked my son in Year 7 if his God was a terrorist. Think about the impact that question had on my 11yo son. The sad thing is the boy asking wasn’t being malicious, he genuinely believed it as he’d heard his parents say it when watching the news. /2
So even though gatekeepers might believe these subjects aren’t for children, in reality kids are exposed to discriminatory information and they NEED balanced and accurate representation so they can come to their own conclusions and perhaps even feel empowered to bring change /3
... and improve the lives of those friends/ peers being discriminated against. Books are the perfect way to counteract fake news and the constant bombardment of information via social media/chats. They are the best way to help young people walk in someone else’s shoes. /4
To see things differently. And if we wait because we assume children are too young and shouldn’t learn about the far right ideology and its impact, we may be taking a risk that isn’t worth taking. /5
Children from primary age study Hitler’s far right ideology and its impact, I think it’s time it was made relevant. We have the same issues arising now across the globe, it’s not going to go away, we need to explore what is right and wrong before it becomes history. /6
And despite its serious underlying themes, I really love the characters. Even though the far right is there as a sub plot and catalyst to the story, it’s funny and warm in so many place and the message of friendship +supporting each other is heartwarming. Think THUG for 11+. /7
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