
The images & footage from #Washington DC yesterday evening was both shocking and awful, not in the least because of the manner in which it all came about with the sitting President of the Free World inciting an #Insurrection in his own country.

But in doing so they have overplayed their hand

The distraction & diversion is exactly thus, an attempt to downplay the clear and obvious links between #Trump-ism & our own corrupted British politics.

Both have weaponised mis-information to turn citizen against citizen & utilised populist slogans/celebrity to hide a glaring deficit in evidence-led policy

A member of Trump's mob was interviewed frm within the Capitol building saying "I want my country back"..ring familiar?

The same money/people behind the scenes that brought #Brexit also helped Trump come to power:

Cambridge Analytica, Aggregate IQ, Legatum, Mercer, Koch, Elliot -not a crackpot conspiracy frm the darkest corner of the web, but an evidenced investigation that stood up in court

I think the most harrowing thing about yesterday was that it was a glimpse into the UK's future, should we ever try to democratically remove those who currently rule us for their own profit.

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