RELEASE: AXIAL has been acquired by the people

In todays professional capitalism news we present to you a huge leak containing the source code + ALL documents from the Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) platform. This means 250k+ confidential files relating to thousands of
business merges and acquisitions, which will likely reveal many transactions and especially the transaction values from may M&As, as well as many other so far unknown details about all these businesses and other investments, like film financing.
We can present this data in full due to the neglect of basic security measures from Axial, as they fully exposed their Jenkins server to the web, with no authentication and full access rights granted to anonymous users. This allows anyone to trivially extract build secrets
and source code. This in turn allowed us to gain access to Axiom's AWS S3 infrastructure as their source code is littered with hardcoded AWS access keys.
There are docs in here on some pretty big names from various industries
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