Trump didn’t concede he said they certified the election results. He still said that electoral reform is needed (what he means is mass voter suppression) and said that all of his supporters their fight has only just begun.
They are organizing, yes they lost but remember when another party is in power in the US the opposition usually organizes and grows so let’s not just say “oh look at them their funny” 70 million people still voted for Trump Y’all
Also I am really tired of us acting like grassroots movement doesn’t happen on the right as well, it does across the globe actually, it can be distributed, it can be mass and it can be decentralized then $$$ and elites usually put money behind it to be wing beneath their wings
So like did they lose the election yes but remember the confederacy lost the war but they won a long term narrative because people STILL FLY THOSE FLAGS.
I am old enough to remember (yes I was young but Sonny Bono tbh taught it to me) the 1994 Gingrich revolution, I’m old enough to remember the tea party, we must hold those responsible yesterday accountable, we must organize for the future we want.
Without consequences though what happened yesterday will only grow and we must hold those in the GOP, the corporations that backed their lies accountable.

Impeach. Expel. Investigate. #ThrowThemOut
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