I have an academic and professional bias towards not jumping to conclusions, towards looking for evidence, towards testing hypotheses (and no, I am not a lawyer).

/1 https://twitter.com/NewYorkStateAG/status/1347332360325496833
Based on what I have read today, I think the circumstantial evidence towards active meddling by the Trump administration in the security posture of DC and the Capitol is sufficient as to warrant an independent investigation into all aspects of:

a) Capitol Police readiness and planning
b) DC National Guard status and DoD / US Army orders around the same
c) DoJ and DHS status and orders to various federal LE entities
d) Statements of support / denial of what happened by sitting US Representatives and / or Senators

e) Potential compromises of Congressional IT devices and facilities due to prolonged physical access to the same by the mob.
f) Potential compromises of sensitive US government information
g) Possibility of foreign intelligence officer presence in the mob.

I am not jumping to it was a conspiracy and they were all in on it. I am jumping to "this doesn't seem right and all the reporting keeps turning up new and disturbing facts."

It's time to do a serious investigation.

You can follow @joshuaicore.
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