I am beyond pissed a bunch of LARPing revolutionaries caused mayhem and caused death last night and now a police officer is dead and three others are dead.

I’ve been pissed watching cities burn for half a year as they were labeled “mostly peaceful”.
I’m pissed that the US is a powder keg of hatred fueled by the highest politician in the land dating back 10 yrs ago who told his allies to “get in their faces” and “bring a gun to a knife fight”. Instead of a rebuking, he got a tongue bath by the media and late night talk shows
I’m pissed that in a few months this country will be even more fucked up, even more dysfunctional and because politicians are hiding away and being quiet and not tweeting at all hours we will be gaslit into believing it will be “so nice to have normalcy back!”
I am pissed that left and the media think everyone else is so stupid enough to believe that as the country crumbles at our feet, it’s fine because, it’s in the name of “justice” and hey, sometimes you just have to scramble some eggs to make an omelette.
We won’t have COVID death-ticker clocks or transmission statistics floating over the screen for 24 hours a day despite the fact the number of cases will continue to increase.

We won’t talk about stagnant unemployment numbers.
We’ll be told that now riots are again a justifiable form of protest and that the ends from the anger justify the means.

We’ll be told it’s normal that corporations will work as de facto social media monitors and monitor their employees extracurricular activities.
We’ll be told that our friends’ banning on social media was appropriate because the content was “inappropriate”. Memes will get us all banned.

We’ll be told you need a certain number of firearms in your home while others are banned entirely.
We’ll be told that public gun registries are needed because there are too many guns in the country and neighbors should know who they live next to.

Every facet of life will be made public. You will be expected to conform or be labeled an extremist and dangerous.
If any or all of this sounds farcical, all due respect, but may I join you on whatever planet you’re currently residing?

None of this ends in two weeks because of Trump. They don’t care about him — they want his voters to confirm or be gone from the picture entirely.
They’re not even hiding it. This person let the cat out of the bag. He said what most of them think. He deleted only because he knows (for now) it’s psycho to admit what they all think. https://twitter.com/omriceren/status/1347288455827566592?s=20
You need to be “cleansed”. Political cleansing will be a thing. That’s as deranged as anything else I’ve witnessed as that riot yesterday was how many people? This bluecheck approved in all the right circles is talking about “cleansing” millions of people.
Every one of us was made in His image. That is my humble belief anyway. We need to start acting like it.

(When I say “we” some of the best pp I know are here. I wish the rest of the country living off and/or spreading fear and/or paranoia/hatred could be more like some of you)
Rarely do I prosthelytize but I do believe this country has turned its back on God and it *very* much shows.

I pray nightly we (collectively, as a nation) find some light and our way back to Him because where we are currently is not sustainable.
You can follow @FletchMatlock.
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