I was out shooting a story today, a feature I bought a really cool science initiative happening in Guelph. Completely unprovoked, a man decided to shout at me while I was doing an interview “It’s all *expletive* lies.” Pt. 1
I understand we are in a precarious time, where we are inundated by some very sad news/negative images from within our country and outside of it. I also understand that people are entitled to their opinions, but I will not stand for blatantly inappropriate behavior. Pt.2
This man had no idea the content of my story nor did he likely care. He had an opinion of what he assumed I was talking about and felt it was OK to shout and swear at me. I am a journalist. I am doing my best to share the stories that matter to the community...Pt. 3
...as well as the news of the day as it happens. Whether you agree with another person or not, respect matters. Kindness matters. This isn’t the first time something like this is happened, and I doubt it will be the last unfortunately. I wanted to share because...Pt. 4
... incidents like this aren’t isolated to just America. I am doing my job, just like anybody else. As journalist, we do our research to provide you an unbiassed presentation of the facts. We approach both sides to give everyone the opportunity to speak for themselves. Pt. 5
As a female journalist and a woman of colour... I am always hyper aware of my surroundings, and my safety is my priority. The distain and hate I could hear in his voice very quickly led me to the understanding that this was not a teachable moment. Pt. 6
It seem to honestly offend him more that I didn’t react. It’s not that I didn’t care or that it didn’t hurt my feelings, but he wasn’t worth getting into a verbal altercation with. Pt. 6
To quote the always inspiring @MichelleObama “when they go low, we go high.” I am in the facts business. And I will do my best to continue sharing the stories that matter to you. #KindnessMatters Pt.7
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