What many people forget is “democracy” and “freedom” are generally delusions... if you don’t live in a totalitarian regime the ruling class have to find other means of controlling the population, propaganda and misinformation being the most obvious methods;
these work best when they create an emotional response in the populous, as the majority do not exercise “critical thinking” skills or do the research necessary to identify the truth, you will not be given the facts by a media controlled by the ruling class as it’s part of their
propaganda machine. Of course if you are living in poverty in a “developed” nation then most of your thoughts, time and effort are focused on simply surviving, not on challenging the propaganda of your ruling elite;
a primary factor in the ruling elite / political class not lifting the citizenry out of poverty... it’s not in their interests to do so, why would they risk being challenged by a critical thinking citizenry.
What people fail to acknowledge is the evidence of what they are able or allowed to see; generally if a Trump, an Assange, a Corbyn is being vilified by the media then they are doing something “right”, something that goes against the interests of the ruling elite/political class.
Bernie Saunders and Jeremy Corbyn were both undermined by their own parties, if you can see that you understand Trump has been undermined too; if you believe in a fantasy of no “irregularities”
in any election then you have swallowed the propaganda and most likely have an emotional response than a carefully considered one; you have been successfully propagandised and assimilated into the compliment and malleable population.
It's illogical to believe a political process to be perfect, when you don't see perfection in anything else you experience in a conventional sense.
The bipartisan dynamic is and efficient illusion, two sides are the most understandable conceptualisation for the vast majority of human beings, reinforced by things as diverse sports, Star Wars and so on; "good and bad" are embedded concepts in the human consciousness...
if you don’t support one side, then you must support the other side. However, if you use thought rather than emotion to make a distinction, its very rare that any human is either all good or all bad, intuition tells us this, even with the human predilection for dichotomy.
Humanity is infinite in its views and opinions, if you only accept one or other of two possibilities then you are at once a malleable individual, much easier for the ruling elites to manipulate.
True human nature is factional if only people would communicate with one another and if all views were considered and represented we would have a true fractional “democracy” not an illusory two-sided democracy.
Everyone needs to see is that the “losers” are victims of a class war, the political class verses the common citizens, why do the political elites strongly oppose individuals not part of the political class, it's because they cannot easily be controlled by that political class.
The loss of a “rebel against the system” Trump figure is a loss to the citizenry, it means the political class have closed ranks and expelled a nonconformist and if you think that is a victory for the citizenry, then you are either being misled or misleading yourself.
It’s also wrong to think there isn’t a “shadow government” with all the power and control and that “elected” figureheads are the source of political power.
For the ruling elites / political class true democracy is the enemy it risks the citizenry disempowering them; ask yourself, are those individuals with real power and control going to take any risk, any chance, that they could have that power and control taken away from them,
of course they are not, these are the people who covert power and control, they aren’t about to let the common class, the citizenry take it away from them.
Generally the politicians you see don’t hold the power and control, they are avatars, actors for those with real power and control who remain in the shadows; ask yourself, why would these “hidden” power brokers expose themselves to public scrutiny,
if you were in control how would you protect yourself and your position, by avoiding democracy and public opinion and scrutiny of course.
Also politicians who are endorsed by the ruling elites are necessarily the individuals easiest for the ruling elites to control; you don’t want a front person you can’t successfully control and direct from the shadows,
you want someone who is corruptible with money, sex or whatever, that way they cannot challenge your agenda as their position is dependent on those that control their "secrets";
it’s very easy to undermine an “elected” politician who has everything to lose if you reveal the truth about them and let public opinion take its course.
Hence, someone like Biden is a good choice for the public face of a shadow government, whereas a Trump, Saunders or Corbyn is not, the later don’t have enough “dirty secrets” to ensure they can be controlled or their allegiance guaranteed.
Clearly a defeat of a Trump, Saunders or Corbyn is not a win for the common class, the citizenry, if you think, or more likely feel, otherwise (in the absence of critical thought) then you are a good malleable citizen, easy to manipulate and an ideal citizen for the ruling elite
to control. It is a class war in a very real sense, loss of an "anti establishment", anti ruling / political class voice, is not a victory for common people, the general citizenry, it is a victory for the ruling class / political elite, whether you realise it or not.
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