So - I have been thinking about 2021. How best to are some thoughts I am sending to the Twitterverse - to all of you - add to them if you the the thread - "Composing a life"
1. 1.Always seek love and true connection. If you have it, never let it go – it does not get better than this! If you don’t, even though it seems far away always seek it – it is your right.
2. Always look for new friends – they make life worth living.
3. Plan the work and work the plan – this is key to getting through anything worth accomplishing. Sometimes inspiration is elusive. This is when you look over old work, revisit special places, think hard about possible directions, and be open to possibilities….
4. Make room for fun. It is not possible to be truly human unless you can play a little….with or without someone – although it is always better with more.
5. Sometime you have to throw out the plan, and wing it…danger is a great motivator of change.
6. Acknowledging loss is just as important as finding new connections. Do not hide from it, it will find you sooner or later.
7. Make time your friend, not your enemy. Live as best you can in each moment, learning to appreciate what is in front of you. Though change may be slow, appreciating the small can make big changes.
8. Say kind words to those you love and even those you do not. Thank people for small things and always try to appreciate what is around you.
9. Count to 10 before you utter words in anger (or tweet in anger). Do you really mean what you are about to say? Some things can be forgiven, but are very hard to forget. Maybe it is better to think them, and think better of saying them than to hurt with words.
10.Find ways to express yourself creatively. Even though you may think you have no talent, you may not have really tried to find your own way.
11. There is no right way to feel happy, only your way. Try to find it with all your might.
You can follow @arlan_dr.
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