Doctrinal solidarity is going to become very important in the days, weeks, and even years to come. With leftists having unrestricted control of the government you can expect that anything that does not align with the accepted narrative will be put squarely in their crosshairs. 1/
We've already seen that state governments will use emergency power to shut down & restrict church gatherings. As things, such as the Equality Act, come into play, "elected" officials will declare any public discourse that runs afoul of their norms are to be considered a public 2/
health threat. They will actively seek to empower the government through laws and executive orders to silence speech that does not coincide with their definition of "safe" speech. Then churches will be put on notice. Either align with "loving" language as dictated by the 3/
Government, or lose 501c3 exemptions. Additionally, cities and counties will deny space to churches deemed to promote "hate speech" (don't believe me? Just ask Chic-fil-a about that). Churches will either have to conform to safety requirements or face shut down. We are already 4/
seeing "churches" such as Saddleback and others who not only joyfully submitted to COVID mandates but have derided other churches who have stood against government overreach on these issues. Rick Warren's business model for churches, I believe, will be a testing ground for 5/
future pressures brought against the churches (i.e. "Just do what Saddleback is doing!") In a similar manner, churches such as Saddleback will conform to these government-mandated speech codes and will become the poster child for how churches will be allowed to operate. 6/
Thus, churches need to decide NOW just what their theology of the church is. What ground do we stand upon? What is the authority by which we speak? Because it is quite likely that any appeal to Constitutional authority will fall on deaf ears. We MUST return to the Word of God 7/
as our sole source doctrine and authority. We must appeal solely and completely to Scripture no matter what the government and culture may throw at us. Hang tightly to His Word all. It is all we have or need. End/
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