This has been EXACTLY what your administration has stood for and the President encouraged it and then people died. Some of those people may spend a very long part of their lives incarcerated because they BELIEVED YOU.
They believed you when you said socialism would destroy us..
They believed you when you told them Trump’s illegal business dealings with Russian oligarchs were just an invention of the left; again ALL to shame Donald J. Trump.
They believed your smears against non-white female congresswomen.
They believed you when you told them the Governor of Michigan was a threat to freedom and that they need to “take their state back”.
They believed you when you told them to inject bleach into their veins and then they believed you when you told them you never actually said that.
They believed you when you told them AntiFa was behind protest violence and you created a mythological bogey-man to scare them into distrusting anyone wearing black.
They believed you when you told them there were good people on both sides. They actually believed you thought their hatred was good; maybe even patriotic.
They believed you when you told them Dr. Fauci was part of vast COVID conspiracy and that he actively working against Trump.
They believed you when you told them the virus would go away.
They believed you when you told them the economy would bounce back.
They believed you when you said their jobs would come back and they believed you when you blamed everyone else for that not happening.
They believed you when you told them Democrats were to blame for everything and they believed you when you told them all Democrats were actually the enemy of democracy.
They believed you when you told them the election was stolen, even though you admitted publicly that it wasn’t
...and then they believed you when you told them about the vast left wing conspiracy to steal the election.
They believed you yesterday when you reiterated all of these points while also declaring the VP was also against them.
Then they believed you when you told them to go to the Capitol and fight for their freedom, which you also led them to believe was in jeopardy.
They believed you because you convinced them they would perish if they didn’t.
They believed you and you fucked them.
You fucked them out of their freedom.
You fucked them over and they believed you.
Some of them still believe you because they have nothing else to believe.
You took everything from them and I pray for you if they ever figure out what you did.
You can follow @DerekSheen.
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