Thread: The faceless few —who sit atop the highest levers of power— have finally revealed their intent — a merciless desire to forcibly exact their world vision upon the masses. It is part of a nation building and social engineering project long in the making.
2) In order to reveal more, I need to talk to you about war. Not only from America’s perspective but also from the perspective of — the people that our betters have waged war against. They realized something long ago that we, ourselves, are only just beginning to recognize.
3) The following is an important tale that many of my patriot friends need to read.

Unfortunately, only a few will see it and discover how the leaders we have entrusted over generations, to keep us safe, to help America prosper has now turned inward against their own people.
4) “I Think We Got Blown Up for Nothing”

It's the story of untold numbers of “U.S. soldiers, mere lab rats, in a slipshod military experiment” a social engineering & nation building project that exemplifies the mindset of the top 1% & the Military Industrial Complex.
5) There's a visceral sense of helplessness we Americans share in our inability to stop what many view as a foreign policy that has been erected not to exact peace & security but rather to enrich bankers, globalists, & corporations to feed an insatiable hunger for power & greed.
6) Stay with me and you will soon see it —that thing that your mind doesn’t want you to know —but that you must know —in order to be free.
7) Americans are all too familiar w/the endless foreign wars fought in the name of freedom. We see the damage done to our young when they return to pick up the pieces of their minds, bodies, & souls. All expendable, 4 the sake of a game that is kept far from our field of vision.
8) “The burden of PTSD in service members who have been deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan since 2001 and Operation Iraqi Freedom since 2003 is staggering,” the National Academy of Sciences reported in an exhaustive 300-page study in June of 2014.
9) Time Mag reported in 2015, as many as 500,000 U.S. troops who served in Iraq & Afghanistan over the past 13 yrs have been diagnosed w/PTSD. Although the U.S. spends $3 billion per yr to treat the disorder in military veterans, ea. case is unique & treatment is uneven at best.
10) According to , 1 in 15 veterans had a past yr substance use disorder. The most sobering statistic of all is that 22 veterans die from suicide per day.
11) According to Military Times, the total number of suicides among veterans has increased four of the last five years on record. From 2007 to 2017, the rate of suicide among veterans jumped almost 50 percent.
13) Much has been written about the fallout and senselessness of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the empty promises made by each administration since the US arrived to withdraw troops from the region.
14) @realdonaldtrump ruffled more than just feathers when he followed through & began to withdrawal. Like so many of his policies the GOPe, the MIC, & IC all weighed in across every media platform saying what a mistake it was w/each declaring the action a threat to natl security.
15) What deserves more attention is the narcissistic pathology of our betters—their ignorance of the Iraqi & Afghani people & others w/whom they wage war. Somehow the consequences born of their sense of entitlement to exact their will upon the world defy well deserved scrutiny.
16) A ret. SF operator recently told me a sobering account of G. W. Bush & Donald Rumsfeld’s “War On Terror” saying, “There was this alarming sense that the most efficient killing machine in history - the US military - was in their world and had no idea who they were killing.”
17) Investigative reports, white papers, and self-assessments by the Department of Defense have echoed his sentiments many times over.
18) One of the best examples that can be used to convey this further is by pointing to a GW Bush “diplomacy” debacle that came about as the result of his appointment of his gubernatorial campaign director, the embarrassingly unqualified, Karen Hughes to be Undersecretary of State
19) In 2005, The Arab news, referred to her as “the painfully clueless Undersecretary of State Karen Hughes” She visited the Middle East to promote “what is now called “public diplomacy — the use of <culture> to foster goodwill toward the US." Fawaz Turki with Arab News writes…
20) “The problem here is not American popular culture —beloved and emulated everywhere —or even their political culture, imbued w/the richest ideas about freedom, democracy, & individual rights, ideas embraced by a people who, since 1776, had valued diversity & openness.”
21) “The problem rather is American foreign policy, which remains, where it is not bellicose, overtly and unabashedly moralistic in tone. —Unless you live like us, they seem to be saying, yours is an inferior species of social formation.”
22) “Thus, Americans refuse to believe, say, Saudi Arabians, Egyptians and Indonesians when these folks explain that they are not advancing the notion that the American system is bad, —just that it is bad for, or incompatible with, —their culture and traditions.”
23) “This missionary position, to Americanize the world, as it were, has its roots in American history and comes straight out of the Puritan ethic.”
24) “These folks’ paradigm derived from the world view that not only should Americans spurn a corrupt Europe, but that they had a “manifest destiny” in the New World, the right to “overspread the continent allotted by Providence for development.”
25) Ironically, the Arab News report reveals a keen understanding not only of US leaders inability to intuit the Mid-Eastern peoples but it also serves as a stark example of how impotent they are in their capacity to understand the American people as well.
26) Fawaz Turki‘s analysis politely describes US leaders succinctly as an arrogant elitist cabal of nation builders. Unapologetic Puritans —driven by an ethic that is hell bent on forcing their will upon the Mid-East for their own good. In order to create — a “New World Order.”
27) Imagine it? In 2005, while Bush was exacting his Puritan will upon Iraq and Afghanistan in service of his vision of a New World Order, Arab News description of their own experience foretold sixteen years earlier what we are now living through in America.
28) Klaus Schwab, founder and executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum.
29) "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy" "2030 predictions" video the WEF “Great Reset.”

You don't get a vote.

Perhaps now, when other countries express disdain for America you see.

What was done in our name w/o our consent has come to America.
Now you probably want to know what to do about it.

Listen to @linuxhippie He knows what he's talking about. Read it several times and then implement.
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