Thread: So back to school go Alberta kids in four days. What does that mean? 1/9
Worth recognizing that ON decided against opening in-person schooling today. Take at look at our equivalent hospitalization rates and cases/100000. So there is definitely no one answer. 3/9
Our group @masks4canada has always said that during this break we should ensure that we should use this break from in-person schooling to COVID-proof our schools. I'm worried this has not happened. But we can start now. 4/9
To start, AHS and the @CMOH_Alberta have now acknowledged the importance of airborne transmission of the virus. All school boards should read this document and implement ventilation and filtration measures to mitigate transmission. 5/9
We should be making every effort for each classroom to have a formal ventilation assessment. A minimum of 3 air exchanges per hour would mitigate transmission.Ventilation upgrades and/or filtration installations should occur if this standard is not met. 6/9
Additionally, we need to have mandatory masking for all students at all levels at all times. Current recommendations still only state this has to be done in common areas such as hallways and cafeterias, but not when seated in classrooms. 7/9
Addendum: with the UK variant having a much higher transmissibility rate, when (not if) it starts making its way around AB all these measures will become much more important. #anticipatenotreact
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