If you take a step back you can see something playing out. First I am not saying Trump is Jesus, lets get that straight and out of the way. It does seem though that "they", the "they" that are ruling things down here are sure trying to make it look like a....
...biblical story. You had George Floyd and the cop...Cain and Abel. Then we had the star of Bethlehem. Even before that, when Trump and Pence were running you had Trump/Pence = Trumpets. Now last night with the betrayal of Pence you have Judas betraying Jesus...
for 30 PENCE.... and oh look here, what is this showing??? https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1347188135122399235
So following this, what is to come?? Follow the biblical story and you will know. Although allegory, Trump wont actually physically die, ect but in appearance right now he has gone down and been sold out. He will be resurrected though. Take a step back and look at it all!
AND, there was also a raising of a wooden cross in D.C. somewhere. Can't find the video though!
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