When was first Quran compiled? Check date.
When did Rasul-e-Arabi Muhammad-e-Mustafa Nabi-e-Karim Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam die? Check date.

Why was it not compiled till 20y after his death?

Why it took 3rd Caliph after Nabi's death to compile it? https://twitter.com/ShinVikky/status/1347287317447249921
Oldest Quran compilation is 20y after Rasul-e-Paak's unnatural death when only his beloved wife Aisha was present
Later Ali & Aisha had deadly war. Then both died unnatural deaths.
And first written Quran was made 200y after all this. That too is not half available today
If Allah wanted Quran to be final book, why didn't he simply gave Nabi-e-Karim power to print Quran with advanced cryptography that there is no ambiguity over who compiles it?
Why he allowed 2 ayats to be eaten by goat, as per Sahih hadiths?
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